08-01-09 20:52 | Á¶È¸ : 2,715
<STRONG>The Lily of the Valley - Cluster Pluckers</STRONG>
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<TD style=PADDING-RIGHT: 7pt; PADDING-LEFT: 7pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 7pt; PADDING-TOP: 7pt vAlign=top><FONT face=±¼¸² size=3><LEFT><IMG src=http://www.diamondrains.com/sparklenames/lily.gif>
<CENTER><BR><B>The Lily of the Valley<BR><BR>
<CENTER><BR><IMG height=450 src=http://photo.net/photo/pcd0728/easter-lily-14.4.jpg width=500><BR><BR></B>I have found a friend in Jesus, He¡¯s everything to me,<BR>He¡¯s the fairest of ten thousand to my soul<BR>The Lily of the Valley, in Him alone I see<BR><BR>All I need to cleanse and make me fully whole.<BR>In sorrow He¡¯s my comfort, in trouble He¡¯s my stay;<BR>He tells me every care on Him to roll.<BR><BR>(ÈÄ·Å)<BR><BR>He¡¯s the Lily of the Valley, the Bright and Morning Star,<BR>He¡¯s the fairest of ten thousand to my soul.<BR><BR>He all my grief has taken, and all my sorrows borne;<BR>In temptation He¡¯s my strong and mighty tower;<BR>I have all for Him forsaken, and all my idols torn<BR><BR>From my heart and now He keeps me by His power.<BR>Though all the world forsake me, and Satan tempt me sore,<BR>Through Jesus I shall safely reach the goal.<BR><BR>(~~~~~) <BR><BR><IMG src=http://homepage.mac.com/doug/.Pictures/Candid%20Pluckers%202/cp064.jpg><BR>£À ¹Ù´ÚºÎÅÍ ¹«´ëÀåÄ¡Çϳª¾ø´Â Á¤¸»·Î ¾î´À°ÍÇϳª ²Ù¹ÌÁö¾ÊÀº<BR>ÀÚ¿¬±×ÀÚü°¡ ¹«´ëÀΰ÷¿¡¼¿¬ÁÖÇÏ´Â Cluster Pluckers £À <BR><BR><B>Tennessee Fall Homecoming ,,,, Å׳׽ÃÀÇ Ç°À¸·Î µ¹¾Æ¿À¶ó !!!<BR></B><BR>1. ³» ÁøÁ¤ »ç¸ðÇϴ ģ±¸°¡ µÇ½Ã´Â ±¸ÁÖ<BR>¿¹¼ö´ÔÀº ¾Æ¸§´Ù¿Í¶ó »ê¹Ø¿¡ ¹éÇÕÈ¿ä<BR>ºû³ª´Â »õº®º° ÁÖ´Ô Çü¾ðÇÒ ±æ ¾ÆÁÖ<BR><BR>¾øµµ´Ù ³» ¸¾ÀÌ ¾ÆÇÃÀû¿¡ Å« À§·Î <BR>µÇ½Ã¸ç ³ª ¿Ü·Î¿ï¶§ ÁÁÀº Ä£±¸¶ó<BR><BR>ÁÖ´Â Àú »ê¹Ø¿¡ ¹éÇÕ ºû³ª´Â »õº®º°<BR>À̶¥ À§¿¡ ºñ±æ°ÍÀÌ ¾øµµ´Ù<BR><BR>2. ³» ¸öÀÇ ¸ðµç ¿°·Á À̼¼»ó °í¶ô°£ ³ª¿Í<BR>Ç×»ó °°ÀÌÇÏ¿© ÁÖ½Ã°í ½ÃÇèÀ» ´çÇÒ<BR>¶§¿¡ ¾Ç¸¶ÀÇ °è±³¸¦ Áï½Ã ¹°¸®Ä¡»ç<BR><BR>³¯ ÁöÅ°½Ã³× ¿Â ¼¼»ó ³¯¹ö·Áµµ ÁÖ¿¹¼ö<BR>¾È ¹ö·Á ³¡±îÁö ³ª¸¦ µ¹¾Æº¸½Ã´Ï<BR><BR><IMG style=FILTER: alpha(style=2, opacity=130, finishopacity=0) height=250 src=http://parenting.leehansen.com/downloads/clipart/easter/images/white-lily.gif width=350><BR></CENTER></CENTER></FONT></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
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